I think you use it in th ebuilding with team Rocket to open certain doors if you walk up to them and push B
The Card Key is located on the Fifth floor in Silph Co. Clear at the bottom by a Rocket Grunt.
The card key in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver is located in the Goldenrod Underground.
The Card Key is found on the floor of the fifth floor of the Silph Co. building in Saffron City.
you can't delet key items in any Pokemon games.
use the lift key to use the lift
You get the key card from inside the Silph Co. and head to the 5th floor via the elevator.
you don't, dummy.
The card key is located on the 5th floor of the Silph Co. building in Saffron City.
The Card Key is located on the Fifth floor in Silph Co. Clear at the bottom by a Rocket Grunt.
the one in the right, you need to have the card key
To get the card key in Pokémon Fire Red you need to go the 5th floor in the Silph Company. You will find the card key after defeating the Team Rocket members.
The card key in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver is located in the Goldenrod Underground.
The Card Key can be found in Silph Co on the Fifth Floor.
You must go to the last floor in the area fight a grunt then, talk to him and he will drop it and then get it and i hope you mean lift key btw
To get the card key you go to the 5th floor at Silph Co get off the elevator go left, but not in the room with the scientist. Go down the hall and stay on the left go on the pad step off and step back on, go right and the card key is right there
you open a lift with it
The card key is located on the 5th floor of Silph Co in Saffron City.