Once you have Arceus, go to the Ruins Of Alph and you'll be able to go to Shinto Ruins.
1st you need to trade an Arceus from pearl, diamond or platinum (or wait for an event).(you can also get arceus in i think Mt. Mortar, then continue with these steps)Once you get Arceus go to the 'Ruins of alph' and go to the scientists house.A man will run out and bump into you, he tells you about strange things that are happening in the ruins.He takes you to the ruins and you teleport to the Sinjoh ruins, then you get to decide if you want:LV1 Palkia, LV1 Dialga or LV1 Giratina.You can only get it with an Event Arceus. You go to the Ruins of Alph with Arceus following you. A man will come and will take you into the ruins, and you will disappear and reappear in Sinjoh Ruins. Cynthia will talk to you about the place and will tell you to put all your Pokemon (Except Arceus) in the PC. Then you can create either Dialga, Palkia or Giratina.you cant. heartgold and soulsilver is just a remake of the original gold and silver and giritina didnt exist then. besides, you dont need giritina to complete THAT pokedex.YES you can get giratina on soul silver and heart gold you need to go to the ruins of alph and but you need a ARCEUS to get it and you can choose giratina,palkia or dialga but they are all level 1
You cant. The item is a key item and you cant use it more than once
Once you give the doll to the copycat girl.When you come out Steven will talk to you about Latias.Use your poke'gear to find her.She will be roaming Kanto.
You can only obtain Arceus through a Nintendo hosted event. But, the event might be distributed through WiFi download so, everyone with WiFi can enjoy the best Pokemon of all time. (Once you get the event Arceus is supposed to be able to be caught in the "Hall of Origin" which appears after you download the event.
catch a geoude then talk to baobo and he will give u a seecond task once u complete it ur the owner
at their gyms.....
once you get the game trade it to your bro if that is what you mean the answer isn't clear enough
Articuno can be caught at Seafoam Islands. Zapdos can be caught at Route 10, once you have all 16 badges. Moltres can be caught inside Mt. Silver. Mewtwo can be caught in the Unknown Dungeon (Cerulean Cave). Mew can only be obtained from trading or event. Raikou and Entei are caught roaming Johto. Suicune can be caught at route 25. Lugia can be caught at the Whirl Islands once you obtain the Silver Wing. Ho-oh can be caught at the Tin Tower once you obtain the Rainbow Wing. Celebi can only be obtained through event. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel must be traded over. Latias can be caught roaming Kanto. Latios can be caught in Pewter City once you obtain the Enigma stone from event. Kyogre can be caught in the Embedded Tower once you obtain the blue orb. Groudon must be traded over either from Generation III, or Soul Silver. Rayquaza can be caught in the Embedded Tower once you have both Kyogre, Groudon, and the Jade orb. Jirachi and Deoxys must be traded over. Uxie, Mesprit and Axelf must be traded over. Dialga, Palkia, and Girintina can be caught at Shinjoh Ruins via the Arceus Event. Heatran must be traded over. Regigias must be traded over. Cresselia must be traded over. Phione can be obtained by breeding Manaphy and a ditto. Manaphy must either be traded over or recieved from Pokemon Rangers game. Darkrai must be traded over. Shaymin must be traded over. Arceus must be traded over, causing the Arceus event.
You can only get Arceus through mystery gift or if you use the cheats you catch it at lv.80. This process is only available in diamond, pearl, or platinum. Once you get it, trade it to heartgold or soul silveryou can catch arceus in heart gold by attend Nintendo event ar if you cant go to one buy action reply and get a code for it. rust me caught arceus. if u get action replay b careful b cuz it deleted all my saved data but i restarted it and it works fine now i think.
Salt (:
It only evolves once, at level 15.
in Pokemon heart gold once you get necessary items.
You can't unless you have action replay and upgraded it.
You have to have arceus to get to sinnoh but only once