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send it to the moon

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Q: What do you do if your face doesnt work?
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Why doesn't this work?

it doesnt work because your face in Tye's face

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use a napkin. if that doesnt work, go into the bathroom and wash it off.

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Punch them in the face as hard as you can. If that doesnt work then poke them in the eye or throw bricks at them. Easy!

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:* this is a smiley face with works on facebook on chat...but sometimes doesnt work on other things

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download it in your face

Does iPhone 5 have face sensor?

no yaseen sadath the iphone 5 doesnt have face sensor

How can you tell if a boy hates you?

The only way he could hate you is if he told it to your face... if he doesnt have the guts for that he doesnt hate you!

How does the colt revolver work?

it doesnt work

Should you ask why he doesnt want to go out with you?

No you should wait and see if he said yes but if he said no then do what I do go out with his best friend and get him to look and if that didn't work kiss him in his face

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to unlock face paint on wii u have to beat the song 'joker' on expert. i haven't done it yet but apparently that's what u have to do. sorry if it doesnt work

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it doesnt work cuz it doesnt exist sorry to burst ur bubble

If a cows head faces north where does its tail face?

most likely "down"