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If you go to this website here they sell the goggles that are in Pokemon.

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Q: What do you do after you get the go goggles in ruby?
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Where can you find the item go-goggles in Pokemon ruby?

You get the go-goggles from your rival after you defeat Flannery.

Who do you get the go-goggles from in Pokemon ruby?

you get it from may/brendan.

Where do you get go-goggles in Pokemon Ruby?

I'm pretty sure you get the go-goggles from your rival after you defeat Flannery.

Where to get a fossil in ruby?

in the top right-hand corner of the desert (u need the go-goggles).

Should you take the claw fossil or root fossil in ruby?

in the desert wear your go goggles

You lost your go-goggles in Pokemon ruby where can i get new ones?

You canit u can only get one you"ll have to do New gam

In Pokemon ruby how do you go into the desert?

You will need the go goggles to go through. You rival will give it to you when you defeat Flanery. Until then, you will need to use the firey path to go north.

What do you do after you get the go goggles?

After you get the go-goggles, you have to go and beat your dad at his gym. :3

How do you you get the Go-goggles in Pokemon ruby?

after you beat Flannery, the mega hot gym leader, (hahaha pardon my pun:) you go out side, then your rival, whatever her name is, and she gives them to you.

Where do you find the sand goggles in Pokemon ruby?

They are given to you by steven when you arrive at forrtree city.

Where can you buy flight goggles or steampunk goggles?

If you want goggles on poptropica go to the time travel watch and click on the Indian King and get the mask put it on and go to one of the guards and he'll have goggles and he'll ask for a trade and accept it and there you go you have goggles!- Kizzie

How do you getting a fossil on Pokemon ruby?

to get the fossils of Cradily and Armaldo (i forgot the unevolved names) you can find them in the top-right corner in the desert north of mauville. *you need Go-Goggles for this*