After you obtain the Blue Orb you go to Sootopolis City and go into the cave behind the Gym
The blue orb is only in ruby and sapphire and emerald not firered.
bring it to the top of mt.pier and you will see archie. he is retrning the red orb. go up to the lady and retrn the blue orb now. and......thats it.
Archie will return the Red orb himself. As you are on the top of mt. Pyre, you should return the blue orb too.
First of all, you only get one orb in the game. For Ruby, you can get the Blue Orb. For Sapphire, you can get the Red Orb. The orb that you get in the game is located at the top of Mount Pyre. This is located south of Lilycove City. As for Emerald, you get a chance to obtain both of the orbs. For Emerald, you get to see what happens in the game between Groudon and Kyogre in Sootopolis City.
go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there go to mt pyre and make sure you have the blue orb (sapphire) red orb (emerald) and go to lilycove and go in the cave beat everyone then surf to mossdeep the 7th gym leader is there
on the inside of it
You can climb to the top of Mt. Pyre and stop team mamga from taking the blue/red orb. Get the remainig orb, and actually in Pokemon ruby is the red orb and sapphire is blue because it said in my Pokemon sapphire/ ruby.
Go to LillyCove Warf
The blue orb is only in ruby and sapphire and emerald not firered.
There are only red and blue orbs.
bring it to the top of mt.pier and you will see archie. he is retrning the red orb. go up to the lady and retrn the blue orb now. and......thats it.
Mt.pyre that's ware by:T.N.T :)
Return it to mt pyre.
You climb back to the place on Mt. Pyre where you received the orb and return it to the old woman.
You can only get the Red Orb in in Pokémon Ruby; in Sapphire, you get the Blue Orb, while Archie, the leader of Team Aqua, takes the Red Orb.
The sapphire orb is in ruby and sapphire, not firered and leafgreen.
you have to go to mt pyre to get a blue ball called the blue orb