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You are pretty much done with the game now. The main point of the game is to defeat all of the trainers with your own Pokemon and collect them all. You have collected all of the Pokemon, so you pretty much defeated the game.

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Q: What do you do after you fill the national pokedex on soul silver?
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How do you get the national pokedex in soul silver?

i dont think you can

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Lucario's pokedex number in the National Pokedex is 448.

How do you get the national pokedex on soul silver?

Beat the elite four.

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What for pokedex number is likitung in national pokedex soul silver?

In the national pokedex, Lickitung's Pokemon ID number is 108. Lickitung is spelled with a c before the k.

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Alakazam is number 65 in the National Pokédex.

What happens after you complete the national pokedex in soul silver?

not much your pokegear turns a different color

Cheat to fill your soul silver pokedex?

Looking for European version (accidentaly got European version LOL

Is there a national pokedex in soul silver or heart gold?

Yes. To unlock it, you must first beat the Elite Four.

Where is linoone in Pokemon Soul Silver?

You can only get it in the pokewalker at the Hoenn Fields. To get this you must have 5000 watts and the national pokedex.