you need to wake the sleeping snorlax in front of diglets cave. Use your poketech radio station of "pokeflute" to wake him up. and be sure to save if you want to catch this lv 50 beast! Dusk balls work great at night!
i think its in fuchsia city. jgsiuoghsjugnjsiovjl;jioi
Go to the gym in Vermillion City in Kanto and battle Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader. He'll give you the 9th Gym Badge after you defeat him.
defeat all 7 gym leaders in kanto then the old man will move
defeat all the other gym leaders
After you defeat the gym leader in Goldenrod City, go next door, to the flower shop, and pick up the watering can. After that, head north toward the National Park.
In Johto, it is in Olivine City. In Kanto, it is in Fuchsia City.
i think its in fuchsia city. jgsiuoghsjugnjsiovjl;jioi
defeat gym leader.
there is no 16th gym in soulsilver u dope....
Ypu Find her at the gym at the south most part of the city in Fuchsia city.
just defeat blue, the 8th gym leader
Go to the gym in Vermillion City in Kanto and battle Lt. Surge, the Gym Leader. He'll give you the 9th Gym Badge after you defeat him.
After you have beaten the Mahogany (yeah that's how its spelled :P) Gym, you must go to Goldenrod City and defeat Team Rocket.
defeat all 7 gym leaders in kanto then the old man will move
Fuchsia city.
defeat all the other gym leaders