

Best Answer

You can do several things:

-Go south from Pallet town to Cinnabar Island.

-Go south from Fuchsia city to Seaform Islands.

-Go east from the Pokemon Center before Rock Tunnel to get to the Power Plant.

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Q: What do you do after you can use surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Related questions

What gym can you use surf after in Pokemon LeafGreen?

I think the gym in fuschia city

Can two Pokemon learn surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Surf is a HM so you can teach it to multiple pokemon.

What badge do you need to use surf in pokemon leafgreen?

the one you get from the gym in fuschia city.

How do you get past the rough water in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can only use Surf on calm water its not possible to surf on rough water.

How do you get off islands 1 2 3 in Pokemon leafgreen?

Fly To island one and use surf

Can krabby learn surf on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes, Krabby is able to learn Surf. After all, it is a Water-type Pokemon.

Where to get surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?

it is in the deepest house in the safari zone....

What is the 3rd HM you get in poke'mon Pokemon LeafGreen?

HM03 is surf

Where are the hidden teeth in Pokemon LeafGreen?

near the surf house

How do you surf in LeafGreen?

Defeat the gym leader koga in fuschia city, then you can teach your Pokemon SURF.

How do you get the seventh badge on Pokemon LeafGreen?

its in cinnabar island, south of pallet town use surf to get there it is a fire gym

How do you get to resort gorgeous on Pokemon LeafGreen?

use SURF then go north then east where the fishing guy is on 5 island