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Unfortunatly there is no further main storyline. There are several things unlocked after that, like going back to oak to get a kanto starter, or to Steve at Silph co. for a hoenn starter, but there is nothing else to 'do'.

EDIT: You can get the red orb from mr Pokemon after you get a kanto starter from proffessor oak. You can get an eevee from bill. If you want more eevees you have to get a ditto. You can Rematch the gym leaders, catch legendarys, and finish your pokedex. ~Riack~:p

Try catching all legendaries.

MORE: you also can get rayquaza groudon and kyogre in hg you get kyogre in ss you get groudon. also after red if you already happend you can team with your rival from the begining and fight againts Claire and lance. and you can get the gym leaders phone numbers you can only not get reds phone number. After you beat him the first time at Mt. Silver, can can battle him again after beat the Champion once more time. But each time you battle, Red's Pokemon Level will increase by 1.

EDIT:you can also do the arceus event to eather get level1 palkia dialga or giratina i say get giratina it comes with griceus orb. so it can change its form.there is also pokethon bug contest, ingio plateu and the BATTLE FRONTIER!!!
you can re-battle the pokemon league. they have stronger pokemon now.

after you did that, you can one of the first and one of the third gen starter and you can get a specific orb from prof. oak to get groudon or kyogre.
You can have a rematch with all the gym leaders from Johto if you haven't done that. To do that you must first find out when and where the gym leaders are when they are away from the gym. They will give you their phone number and tell you when to call. Then they will wait for you at the Fighting Dojo in Saffron city. The easiest one to start with is Chuck. Just talk to his wife witch should be outside his gym all the time. First you go to prof. oak and he will give you Charmander,Squirtle,Bulbasaur Then go to saffron city and 3 alleys up there is a house talk to the girl she mimics alot She ask for her doll it is at vermilion city at poke fan club return it and get magnet train pass then go to slip co building Steven is there he will ask you a stone question




Pick Wisely Good luck:)

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Q: What do you do after you beat red in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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You can always catch Groudon. And Rayquaza too.

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first you beat all 16 gyms go beat elite four beat red and he will be at the embedded tower after you get the red orb from mr. Pokemon

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I think it's beat red

Where do you get the red orb in SoulSilver?

If you beat trainer red go to Mr Pokemon's house and he will give you a red orb.

What do you do when you beat red in Pokemon SoulSilver?

If you mean how to consider yourself as beaten the kanto region in pokemon soulsilver, then you should find zapdos,moltres, and articuno. You should also beat Red (Ash Ketchum). Once you do that, you can catch Mewtwo.