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i believe you fight krokopatra, Cleopatra in krok form. she is storm and very stuck up

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Q: What do you defeat to finish krokotopia wizard101?
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How do you get to Mooshu wizard101?

finish marleybone and if u cant go to marleybone finish krokotopia ~.'

How do you get to krockopatra in wizard101?

Once you get the quest "Temple Dweller", you will find Krokopatra in the Temple of Storms.

What level do you have to be on Wizard101 to go to Krokotopia?

You need to finish fire cat ally, Triton avenue, and cyclops lane. After that the headmaster gives you a quest about Lord Nightshade. Defeat him than you get to go to Krokotopia. You don't need to be a certain level but if you want A certain level I would say level 16 or 17.

Where is the balence school in wizard101?

it is in krokotopia

How do you get krokomummy pet in wizard101?

First you have to go to the vault of ice in krokotopia, then you have to defeat the keeper of the fang and you might get it from defeating her. if not you have to fight her again until you get it.

Where do you get a hydra in wizard101?

From the Balance teacher in Krokotopia.

Does krokotopia cost money on wizard101?

no but the membership does

How do you get inside the oasis on wizard101?

First, you need to be able to go to Krokotopia. That means you have to finish wizard city. You have to have crowns for that, so you can either buy them online or get gift cards. Once you have, you can probably go to Krokotopia but if you have a problem with your computer, you might not get the quest. In Krokotopia, you can teleport to the oasis by clicking the button that lets you teleport to the commons.

How do you go to kroktopia in wizard101?

You finish "Unicorn Way", "Triton Avenue", "Cyclops Lane", and "Firecat alley". Then after you do that you report back to Merle Ambrose and he'll give you a quest to defeat "Foulgaze" in Olde Town and defeat "Lord Nightshade" in Haunted cave. After you do that you have to go under the waterfall in The Commons and finally you get the quest to explore the Oasis in Krokotopia.

How do you get in Krokitopia in Wizard101?

You get into Krokotopia when you beat the main storyline of Wizard City

How do go to krokatopia on wizard101?

To go to Krokotopia, you need to beat Firecat Alley, Triton Avenue, Colossus Boulevard, and Cyclops Lane. Then Merle Ambrose will ask you to defeat Lord Nightshade in the Stormdrain Tower, which is in the Haunted Cave. Then he will ask you to go to Krokotopia. Keep in mind that you have to buy Krokotopia with Crowns, and you don't need to beat Sunken City to go to Krokotopia. My name is Alex Dragonthorn. add me!

How do i speak to wul'yahm in wizard101?

He is located in Krokotopia at Krokosphinx under the Balance School