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Q: What do you call the art of making dictionary?
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What is the art of making deals with other governments?

You Diplomacy... theres such thing as wikipedia and google dictionary. Maybe the Library still exists for you.

What do you call a dictionary that you translate Spanish to English?

You call it a Spanish -English dictionary

What do you call a bunny that has a dictionary in it's pants?

you call a bunny with a dictionary in it's pants a smarty pants.

What has the author Ian Chilvers written?

Ian Chilvers has written: 'A dictionary of twentieth-century art' -- subject(s): Art, Modern, Artists, Biography, Dictionaries, Modern Art 'Concise Dictionary of Art & Artists' 'Diccionario de Arte'

Who is the editor of The Dictionary of Art?

Edited by Jane Turner

When was The Art of Making Art created?

The Art of Making Art was created on 2011-10-23.

What do you call the science of art and map making?

The science of art and map making is called cartography. It involves the creation and study of maps, combining artistic elements with geographical data to represent spatial relationships and information visually.

What do you call the art of making inlaid work to a wood shell for ancient Persian boxes and furniture?


What is art from abridged dictionary?

If a piece of writing is unabridged, it means that it has not been shortened in any way. In an unabridged dictionary, the word "art" has multiple meanings, including a line of work that requires tremendous skill, the curriculum for a liberal arts education, and the business of gaining knowledge itself.

What do you call a person who follows a map making?

A person who follows a map to create or update maps is called a cartographer. They specialize in the science and art of map making.