blunt, straight-forward, rude
A Scene where two people talk to eachother, no more, no less. A monolouge is where 1 person on their own speaks
Such a person is immortal.
A Skeptic person
A person who robs is called a "Robber".
A person who speaks a lot is often referred to as talkative or loquacious.
A person who speaks clearly is often referred to as articulate or eloquent.
That would be a disciple.
A person who speaks and understands many languages can be called a polyglot.
A person who speaks out against something is often referred to as a critic, dissenter, or opponent.
That would be a disciple.
a linguist
A person who speaks 6 different languages is commonly referred to as a polyglot.
A person who speaks many languages is often called a polyglot.