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Q: What do you call a person who knows a lot about car engines?
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What do you call a person who knows about car engines?

An automotive technician.

What is the name of a Person Who Knows All About Car Engines?

An automotive Technician.

What do you call a person who knows everything about car engines?

A lair. No one will ever know everything about cars

what do you call a person that operates in a car?

because no one knows

Who knows a lot about car engines?

A mechanic.

What is someone who knows about car engines called?

An automotive technician.

What do you call someone who makes car engines?

An engine manufacturer.

What is the person called when they know everything about car engines?


A persona person who mend car and engines?


What to do if car refused starting?

If your car don't start call someone that knows about cars and they will tell you what to do.

What do you call a person who drivers a car?

A person thaat drive a car is called a driver.

What do you call the person who repairs your car?

The person who repairs your car is called a mechanic.machinate