Sheep, and all other mobs do not eat, except wolves who eats cooked porkchop.
There are no dogs in Minecraft, although there are wolves. Wolves are found usually in planes or forests. They spawn on grass and dirt.
Yes, there are dogs in Minecraft. They are the tamed version of wolves (who are tamed using bones).
Currently you can only tame wolves and ocelots. Wolves you feed bones, ocelots fish.
Sheep, and all other mobs do not eat, except wolves who eats cooked porkchop.
If you right-click on the wolves they will sit down and not attack any user or mob. However, if you get hit or attacked your wolves will jump up to save you.
Wolves will sometimes spawn in forests in Minecraft PE 0.9.0 and above.
Wolves are not in Minecraft Lite.
Wolves are not able to breed in minecraft 1.9. All the wolves are males, and Notch did not make males + males = baby. So the answer to this is no.
There are no dogs in Minecraft, although there are wolves. Wolves are found usually in planes or forests. They spawn on grass and dirt.
There are currently no wolves on the Minecraft Pocket Edition. Sorry
they spawn randomly.