Those letters spell weather.
The letters spell teamwork. The letters spell workmate.
If you're trying to unscramble the letters, one possibility (if it is not the only one) is "Bermuda".
Jennifer Lopez.
Unscramble the letters to form an English word: C T T H C R A E I
Those letters spell weather.
The letters RODARDTBA unscramble to "dartboard". (The original question left off one "a" and there were no anagrams.)
Unscramble the letters to form an English word: C T T H C R A E I
There are two unscramble possibilities:airtedtirade
Unscrambled, the letters 'egarav' spell the word ravage.
Unscrambled, the letters 'trahace' spell trachea.
These letters can be unscrambled to make "powerful".
The country that has the letters E, A, R, Z, G, and B is Azerbaijan.
It will spell 'never met out'.