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DEI GRA: BRITT OMN REX/REG: FID DEF: IND IMP: (Dei Gratia: Brittania Omnia Rex/Regina: Fidei Defensor: Indium Impera-tor/-trix) By the Grace of God: King/Queen of All Britain: Defender of the Faith:, Emp-eror/-ress of India.

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Q: What do the letters on UK coins mean?
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What do the letters on a coin mean?

Each nationality has different letters on their coins. What they mean is particlular to that country.

What does letters at end of coins mean and how do you know?

The letters tell you what city the coin was produced in.

What do the letters UK stand for?

If the letters are capitalized, UK, that stands for the United Kingdom. If the letters are lower case, uk, it may stand for unknown.

What do the letters CF after someone's name mean?

It may "Chaplain of the Forces" for a UK Armed Forces Chaplain.

In which place the coins are made?

Coins in the UK are manufactured by the Royal Mint.

Are all coins circles?

no. UK have coins with 5 and 7 sides

What 2 letters are abbrevated to describe the UK?


What are the two letters that are on some coins at the bottom of the bust what do they mean?

They are the initials of the designer of the coin, such as JF on Washington quarters for John Flanagan, Roosevelt dimes have JS for John Sinnock. Most all coins have this.

What differences are there between Cyprus and the UK?

The notes and coins are difference meaning meaning there money and a similarity is that they use noted and coins like the UK

What does minted marking look like on silver dollars?

If you mean a "Mintmark"? They are small letters ( O, S, CC & D) on the reverse of the coins.

What do the first letters of an NI number mean?

The first two letters of a UK National Insurance (NI) number indicate the individual's birth country or region within the UK. The following numbers typically represent a person's date of birth and gender.

What alloys are in UK coins?

See this link.