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the blue arrow means its a boy and the red arrow means its a girl.

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Q: What do the arrows beside the Pokemon name mean in sapphire?
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How do ya trade Pokemon from ruby to blue?

do u mean Pokemon blue or do you mean SAPPHIRE You trade to SAPPHIRE the normal way but u cant trade to blue

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Where do you find the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?

There are loads of legendary Pokemon in Sapphire, but if you mean the main one, Kyrogue, then it is the Underwater Cavern.

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If by sapphire you mean kyogre (cover star of Pokemon sapphire) beat team aquas base,find them underwater on route 128 go up through the cave and he runs off.go to cave of origin.

How do you get to the cove in Pokemon Sapphire?

Do you mean team aqua's base? or lillycove? coz if it is team aquas base than it is beside lilycove. Go to the beach and run north till you see a guy with 3 Pokemon in the water then surf from him north till you see a cave and that is team aqua's abse. :)

How do you trade Pokemon from Pokemon emerald to Pokemon sapphire?

if you mean trade them back you can't because they are already on your game unfortunately Hope this helps

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i mean the Pokemon in ruby and sapphire not diamond and pearl

How can you go to the secret islands in Pokemon sapphire?

If you mean the 9 islands its in Firered or Leafgreen.

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i mean is it in peldulburg maulville where

What does RS stand for in Pokemon?

rs means "Rally Sport"... e.g. Camero RS also it could mean "RuneScape" as in the online game.