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they allow you to get past certain stages in the game.

please note, DEFINITELY GET 5 OF EVERY SKILL, AT LEAST! otherwise you cannot complete the game.

Twilight Maniac. Please note, if you want to thank me be anti animal fight, animal kill/eat live animal on you tube or other videos. If no one follows me I am willing to get the law involved! Who wants to see a hamster be ripped to pieces by a pirahna? RETARDS DO!

That's not true

I dont know what they do, but i do know that you need 5 mechanical skills to complete the game, as part of it is breaking in somewhere, but other than that, you dont even need the points .... i think

Its just ive completed it loads of times and ive never needed them =S

I do know(some):

  • Creativity: Increase paintings worth in gallery
  • Business: Bonus when checking sim's out of the hotel
  • Body: I think it is a sanity regeneration boost, but i am not shure
  • Charisma: Helps when interacting with people (Impress, Calm down, ect.)
  • Mechanical: Getting past the elevator near the end. May have another use but i don't know for shure
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Q: What do skill points do on sims 2 Nintendo ds?
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How can you get mechanical skill points for sims 2 on the Nintendo ds?

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you have to find them at certain spots at certain times of the day.

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As of June 2015, there have been no plans announced for The Sims 4 to be released on the Nintendo DS. The Sims 3 DS version was released over a year after the PC game, so it is likely there will be a version of The Sims 4 released on DS at some point.

How do you collect 5 mechanical skill points on sims 2 for ds?

i think you just have to look around, i heard that there is a cheat to make your skill points increase or decrease but you will have to look around on the internet for that. Hope that helped.