A game patch is a file that can be downloaded to fix bugs or add content to a game. They are usually small and offered for free.
You can't delete Firmware patches for the PS3, but you can delete game patches through the game data utility.
Updates and patches are downloaded from the PlayStation network. The PS3 system will automatically update when a new version comes out. Game patches will download when you launch the game, if you have PlayStation Plus your PS3 can be set to automaticly check for patches for games you own and download them in the background.
It depends on the game, some games have an automatic updater which will download and install any official patches released for the game. While other games require you to download the patch from their website or other sources. The patches change the version of the game and some games cannot play multiplayer mode across different versions.
For games it is just that there was a shortcoming in the software and development of the game. Patches are away to repair the software
Most of the glitches have been patches, after all its only a texted based game
No, this only means you are gaining patches or updates to the game you are playing
You can't delete Firmware patches for the PS3, but you can delete game patches through the game data utility.
Game patches work by reworking the games scripts. This means it inserts its coded lines to map the game differently.
A game patch is a term used to describe any alteration to an existing game. This can range from a fix-it of a simple bug to new graphics, architecture and sounds.
Updates and patches are downloaded from the PlayStation network. The PS3 system will automatically update when a new version comes out. Game patches will download when you launch the game, if you have PlayStation Plus your PS3 can be set to automaticly check for patches for games you own and download them in the background.
The blizzard background downloader can be set up to automatically download patches when you are not playing the game.
file beam. go on youtube and tipe game patches mw2 and theres a hyper link click on the hyper link then you have game patches
but cheeks
your going to die
They are usually safe if you download from the official game site.
Mottled mean having spots or patches of colour
The original game is about 1.2GB without patches or expansions. However, you cannot play the game like this. You have to be up to date to connect to servers.