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Q: What did Prehistoric people often coated their floors with powdered?
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When did vinyl floors go out of fashion?

Vinyl floors were very popular from time to time, especially in the 50s and 60s. After this time, it lost its charm for most people, but can still be seen in some households.

How do you unlock floors in unity tower in Pokemon black?

you have to do a global trade with people from different countries each country will unlock a floor

What is a tarpaulin?

Most people just call it a "tarp". It's a cover, made of various types of heavy cloth but usually made of canvas or nylon. They can be coated with rubber or vinyl to make them rain resistant or water proof.

On avabel how many monsters do you kill on medal of mastery?

you will need 30,000 or 30k daily kills for this quest. you will need dp water or a OP party who actually can kill mobs faster in few floors. artgx is one of the player who can actually kill 500 mobs in 22f floor all alone. so you will need 4 more people like him to kill 30k monster in floors. you can find ARTGX's videos on youtube. there is a easy way too. you know about technical battle, right? you can get 15k daily kills from technical battle and the rest will be with a Op party.

Why isn't level 72 on 100 Floors not working?

Level 72 has been causing a lot of problems for people playing on a variety of devices. The level has been updated and as of the last update, here is how you beat it:Move the yellow car all the way up, the white car all the way down, the red car a little up, and finally the green car a little down. See related link below for screenshots.

Related questions

Why would people put saw dust in vampire coffins?

To soak up the excess blood. Exactly the same reason why butcher shops use to have their floors saw-dust coated.

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Was technology important to prehistoric people

Were prehistoric people civilized?

they sucked

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What devolpment ended prehistoric times?

"Prehistoric" times of a people end from the moment that written documention either by or about a people starts to surface.

What is the definition of prehistoric?

Prehistoric means before history, before people started recording what had happened to them.

How do archeologists gain information about prehistoric people?

they learnd about prehistoric by artirfacts, check of age and location.

What is the difference between prehistoric and historic?

Prehistoric: when writing has not been invented and no records were kept Historic: when writing started and records were kept

What did prehistoric people eat carrots?

they didnt

Is a cucumber prehistoric?

No a cucumber is not prehistoric. Almost no one knows where the cucumber came from but it wasn't here before people.

What is prehistoric forms of life?

Forms of life from the past, e.g dinosaurs.

Why did prehistoric people fish?

because they will get hungry if they dont