A word that starts with y and ends with y is yay .
'Celery' is a culinary vegetable that starts with a 'C' and ends with a 'Y'.
The country that starts with P and ends with S is Philippines.
Eritrea starts with e and ends with e. Eritrea is a country in Africa.
A word that starts with y and ends with y is yay .
The noun yellow starts with y- and ends with -w.
'Celery' is a culinary vegetable that starts with a 'C' and ends with a 'Y'.
A bird that starts with B and ends in Y is a blue jay.
The country that starts with P and ends with S is Philippines.
The country that starts with P and ends with S is Philippines.
There is no country that begins with "y" and ends with "i." There is no country that begins with "y" and ends with "u," either. Currently, the only country in the world that begins with "y" is Yemen. Yugoslavia is now called Serbia & Montenegro.
2 Main Words are Child-prodigy and Cross-country.