The countries that end with 'ana' are:BotswanaGhanaGuyana
Countries that end with the letter y:GermanyHungaryItalyNorwayParaguayTurkeyUruguay
There aren't any countries that end in the letter w
Some words that mean destroy and end in "er" are demolisher, exterminator, and obliterator.
Some verbs that end in -er are:alterbuffercheerdifferleermurderofferrefersteersuffer!
Venom ER ended on 2004-06-01.
Usually -er.
The "er" suffix is how the infinitive form of the "er" verbs is, this is the reason why they are called "verbes en 'er' " or "verbes du premier group" (verbs of the first group, since this category is the most common).
Sorry, no countries end with 'do'
in fact, YES! it does end with ER, the correct word is " brighter ", just figured it out in fact XD
Adverbs can end with -er when comparing two actions. One example is "higher."
HatER LovER KillER