SEGA CD, PC, and rereleased in Sonic Gems Collection for GameCube.
Sonic CD came out in 1993.Amy rose made her FIRST apprence.
Sonic CD.
She was described as being 8 years old in Sonic CD.
You can't. It's not on Sonic Mega Collection or Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Sonic CD is only available on Sonic Gems Collection for Nintendo Gamecube.
i think so
No You can't play Sonic CD on the Websites, You play Sonic CD on the Sega CD, Right?
Sonic CD was the first and only Sonic the Hedgehog game to be released for the SEGA CD.
go and type sonic CD
Sonic the Hedgehog CD happened in 1993.
No in sonic Cd there is no chaos emeralds but time stones And the time stones only grant you a better future Not super sonic.
The cast of Sonic CD - 1993 includes: Keiko Utoku as Sonic the Hedgehog
Go to and search up Sonic CD.
Sonic CD came out in 1993.Amy rose made her FIRST apprence.
She met sonic when he saved her in sonic CD
It is come from sonic CD
She met sonic when he saved her in sonic CD
In your games console