

Best Answer

Noun: A person, place or thing.

Common noun: A noun that does not need to be capitalized, unless it is beginning a sentence.

* nature * nurse * navy * niece * nephew * napkin * nobleman * nose * nutshell * nutritionist * nave * noun * neck * necklace * necktie * neurologist * newt * newton * newsman * newspaperman

* newspaper * newsstand * noose * nectarine * nugget * nougat * nacho

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Q: What common nouns begin with the letter N?
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Which verb used to describe a person begin with the letter N?

No verbs will describe a person. A person is a noun, and verbs do not describe nouns. Adjectives describe nouns.Examples of adjectives that can describe a person and begin with the letter N:nervousnicenormalnurturing

What are some things that begin with the letter N?

Some things (nouns) that start with the letter N are:nachosnailnail polishnameNanaNancynanny goatnanonanotechnologynapnapkinnarwhalNASANASCARnationnatureNavynavy beanNebraskanecessitynecknecktienectarineneedleneglieenegotiationneighbornemesisnephewNerf toynervesnestnetNetflixnetworknewbornnewsnewspapernewtNew YorkniacinnibbleNicknickelnicknameNicolasNiecenightnight crawlernight gownnight lightnightmareNIGHT STANDNike'sNile RivernineNintendoNitrogennobilityNobodynodulenogginnoisenoisemakernomadnominationnoodlenooknoosenormalcynorthnosenotationnotchnotenotebookNotepadnothingnotificationnotionnougatnounNovembernovicenubnucleusNuggetsnumbernumbersnunnun chucksnursenurserynursury rhymesnutnutcrackernutritionnutshellnylonnymph

What crops begin with the letter N?

Nuts or nectarines are crops that begin with the letter N.

What letters begin with the letter n?

Only the letter N.

What are some plural possessive nouns that start with n?

Some plural possessive nouns that start with letter N are:nations'necklaces'needles'neighbors'nerves'nights'noodles'noses'nuts'nylons'

Good words that begin with the letter 'n'?

Neighborly and nondiscriminatory are good words. They begin with the letter n.

What Circular objects begin with the letter N?

Nails, nickels, needles and nightsticks are round. They begin with the letter n.

What are some professions that begin with the letter N?

Newscaster, nuclear engineer and nurse are professions. They begin with the letter N.

What are proper nouns that begin with the letter N?

· Namibia · Nauru · Nepal · Netherlands · Netherlands Antilles · New Zealand · Nicaragua · Niger · Nigeria · North Korea · Norway

What 3 letter nouns end with n?

sun, fun.

What colours that begin with the letter N?

Neon green, neon red, and neon blue are colors that begin with the letter 'N'.

Three letter words that begin with letter n?

3 letter words begin with n:nabnagnapnetnewnilnipnitnixnobnodnornotnownubnunnut