Amazon dot com and Target dot com
Findavideogame dot com, also known as FAVGame is a blog and auction house where vintage, classic, new and used games can be purchased.
Clip art is great for all sorts of projects. Some sites that offer free clip art are: Vector dot com and free graphics dot com, these are just a few of the free clip art sites out of thousands.
They are just for fun, or personal use. You can choose six pokemon, the badge background, and the badges themselves.
The music jingles? if so.... the pirate / restaurant one
commercial for com
dot com stands for commercial so everyone can get one where dot gov is a government run website. dot com is adsand stuff and dot gov is government stuff
louise dearman
.com= .commercial .org= .organization .gov= .government .net= .network
well the com part stand for commercial. so therefore you can use the website you are setting up as a commercial website used for commercial purposes.
A website, portal or website is a collection of web pages related and common to an internet domain or subdomain on the World Wide Web within the Internet. For me this is one of the best... ht tps:// ya m/de als/groupon/Yeynder(remove spaces)
No. dot Com is a COMMERCIAL web address. Military addresses are dot MIL or dot GOV
Louise Abbey
Dakota Gorman
The correct words in speaking it are dot com but on the Internet or when writing it, you replace "dot" with a period.