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Maple is like the color of the wood.

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Q: What color is maple?
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Related questions

What color is Canada's maple leaf?


What color is the sugar maple tree?

yellowish brown

What color and texture is a maple tree?

it is red and rough

What color is a maple leaf?

They can be nearly any color. There are over 300 species of maple, and thousands of cultivars. The leaves range from greens to reds, purples, and sometimes oranges and yellows.

What is the pantone color of the Canadian maple leaf?

pantone 032

Why are the Toronto maple leafs the color they are?

Harold ballads favorite colour

What color furniture would go well with dark maple furniture?

Well, it depends on what maple it is. Like if it is green maple then green furniture would be the best .....but if it's normal maple.....(which i have no idea what maple actully looks like) then go with the black. p.s. you should no that this is fake

Why are maple leaves red in color?

try images

What is the difference between medium amber maple syrup and dark amber maple syrup?

The classes of maple syrup are divided primarily by color and flavor. In general, the darker the color, the strong the flavor. The Grade A color classes go from light amber (Fancy), medium amber, dark amber (from light to dark). Grade B is darker still. A common misconception is that darker color means thicker syrup -- this is not the case. All pure maple syrups have close to the same density (typically 66-67% sugar solids).

Do both maple and oak tree's lose their leaves in the fall?

Maple leaves turn a beautiful red color and do fall off the tree.

What is the name and color of the flooring in the abercrombie and fitch stores?

Tarkett engineered hardwood. The color is Maple Espresso. 3" planks

What is the colour of a maple tree?

The leaves of a maple tree can range in color from green in the spring and summer to various shades of red, orange, or yellow in the fall.