· There are no cities in Maryland that begin with the letter O. However, Ocean City is a town in Worcester County, Maryland
California, Colorado, and Connecticut are the 3 US states that begin with the letter C.
Atlanta (Georgia), Augusta (Maine), Annapolis (Maryland), Albany (New York), and Austin (Texas).
There is one US State that begins with the letter P: Pennsylvania. And, while not a state, Puerto Rico is associated with the United States.
Eight U.S. states begin with the letters M and N. Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri and Montana. Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina and North Dakota are the U.S. states that begin with N.
· Maine · Maryland · Massachusetts · Michigan · Minnesota · Mississippi · Missouri · Montana
Arkansas, Alabama
Four U.S. states begin with the letter A. The states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona and Arkansas.
There are 2 state names in the U.S. that begin with the letter k: Kentucky and Kansas.
Vermont and Virginia
1 Flordia
Michigan Maryland Maine Massachusetts Montana Missouri Minnesota and Mississippi
· Maine · Maryland · Massachusetts · Michigan · Minnesota · Mississippi · Missouri · Montana · Moody, meek, mysterious (state of a person's mind or disposition)
Only one, Pennsylvania.
Delaware Only