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Daredevil,Green Goblin,Human Torch,Invisible Woman,Hulk,Captain America,Iron Man,Luke Cage,Mr.Fantastic,Deadpool,Juggernaught (xbox360 and ps3 pre order exclusive),Thing,Spiderman,Storm,Songbird,Thor,Iron Fist,Wolverine,Venom,Iceman,Gambit,Penance,Miss Marvel and Jean Gray.

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Q: What characters are on marvel ultimate allience 2?
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Marvel ultimate allience?

marvel ultimate allience is a game made by marvel there is a part 2 to the game

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in the game marvel ultimate allience 2

Can you play as characters from marvel ultimate alliance in marvel ultimate alliance 2?

Yeah, most of them. There are some characters in Marvel Ultimate Alliance that aren't in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, such as Elektra, Ghost Rider, Dr. Strange and Silver Surfer, and vice versa. You get a bigger group of heroes -- and a few villians -- in MUA2.

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super hero squad'marvel ultimate allince 1 and 2' or marvel rise of the imperfects

Will there be a sequel to Marvel Ultimate Alliance?

Yes there is marvel ultimate alliance 2

Is Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 better than Marvel vs Capcom 2?

In terms of characters, maybe For game modes and online play, No

Are dlc characters in marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 still available?

I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken

Who are the five downloadable characters for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?

Magneto, Psylocke, Cable, Carnage and Black Panther

Is galactus on marvel ultimate alliance 2?

no, only in marvel ultimate alliance 1

What are the marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 dlc pack characters?

Cable Carnage Magneto Psylocke Black Panther Magneto

What characters are in marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?

Ironman, Wolvereen,hulk,deadpool, and jugger naut if you reserve the game, etc..

How do you unlock dlc characters in marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?

up up down down left left rihigt