

Best Answer

Your television service provider can give you the accurate channel for Wheel of Fortune.

ArizonaMarket Station Time TUCSON (SIERRA VISTA) KGUN 6:30p Albuquerque-SANTA FE KRQE 6:30p PHOENIX KTVK 7:00p YUMA-EL CENTRO KYMA 6:30p
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Q: What channel is Wheel of Fortune on in Arizona?
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What Arizona channel is Wheel of Fortune on?

Shows are identified by station ID because the channel number vary with TV provider for cable dish or over the air broadcast. Az has the following stations listed in the related link TUCSON (SIERRA VISTA)KGUN6:30pALBUQUERQUE-SANTA FEKRQE6:30pPHOENIXKTVK7:00pYUMA-EL CENTROKYMA6:30p

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