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You can find it in the penguin style catalog in the gift shop, only at certain times. It was last seen August 2009. You may be able to find it in August 2011. Good luck!

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Q: What catalog is the flutter by wig on Club Penguin?
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Where is the Club Penguin wig catalog?

There is no wig catalog in Club penguin. in the penguin style, you will find clothes AND different hair in the catalog. Hope i helped! :)

Where is the wig catalog on Club Penguin?

It's gone, sorry. But that doesn't mean that the wigs are gone! Their all in the Penguin Style catalog.

Where is the Big Wig catalog on Club Penguin?

Some Idiot decided to combine Big Wigs with penguin style !! The wigs go out faster!

How do you get get clown wig on Club Penguin?

To get the clown wig on CP, you have to wait until the wig is in the catalog Then save up your coins and buy! Voila! You've now got a clown wig. I hope this helps you.

Where is the brown wig on club penguin?

in the penguin style.

How do you get fangs on club penguin?

1. Turn to page 4 of the catalog 2. Click on the mouth of the girl penguin with the Punked Out wig on. This gets you access to Vampire Fangs which look really cool on your penguin!

What is the flutterby wig on Club Penguin?

The Flutterby is a short brunette bob hairstyle on Club Penguin. It is extremely popular.

Were can you find the flutterby wig in club penguin September 2010?

You first have to go to the ice burg then go to the gift shop go to the back of the page where it says "How to get coins" then move that section down and there will be a note after that read the note and solve the riddle to claim you flutter wig,GOOD-LUCK!

Will the blonde sidewinder wig come back on club penguin?

Of course it will!

How do you get pigtails for your Club Penguin?

you have to become a member to buy it, because if not there is no way you can get a wig Actually, if you want to buy the one that is on display it is impossible. You do need to be a member to buy stuff, though.

On club penguin how do you get the blonde flutterby wig 2009?

Wait until like May 2011 It will come out in the catalog again and so will the Brown Flutterby Happy Waiting (PS) I want the Flutterby to but i want both of them!

How do you change the color of your outfits on club penguin?

u cant change the color of any hair on club penguin. Different wigs that u buy will come in different colors, but u cannot change the color of them. to change ur wig click on edit penguin or just click ur penguin and press down until u find ur wigs. if u dont have wigs u can buy them at the giftshop in the town (in the catalog). if u are a non member u will not be able to buy a wig or clothing.