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There are a few cards that will enable you to search for low level Spellcaster-type Monsters from your deck:

  • "Apprentice Magician"
  • "Sangan"
  • "Witch of the Black Forest"
  • "Magician's Circle"

also summoner monk

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Q: What card will let you search your deck for low level Spellcasters?
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Yes. All effects that search for a card from the deck, or return a card to deck in any position apart from the top, will be followed by a shuffle.

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A Dark magician can be found in: Starter deck Yugi Starter deeck Yugi Evolution Spellcasters judgment

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The Spellcasterâ??s Judgment deck is perfect for new Duelists and ready to play right out of the box. This deck includes powerful cards to strengthen your monsters and damage opponents.

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Magician`s Force and Spellcaster`s Judgement Deck extra stuff would be Premium Pack 1.

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Try going to and search Mewtwo

Is the Fusion Deck also considered your Deck on a card description?

No. If a card says to 'search your Deck', or 'send a card from the top of your Deck', this means your main deck. If something tries to return a Fusion monster 'to deck' though, that will put it back in your Extra Deck. That doesn't mean Extra Deck is the considered the same thing, that's just where Fusions and Synchros go when something tries to put them back in Deck.

Hit the deck card game instructions?

Can be found with a simple search at:

How do you get cards in kaijudo portal?

deck manager > rightclick, new deck > doubleclick on 'new deck' use card search to find the cards you want. drag the images from the card search to the deck. use the numbers 0-4 to change the number of copies of each card. if you're talking about images, use the image downloader. if it hangs, restart the whole program, then run the image downloader again.

Can you use Toon Table of Contents if you have no cards in your deck with the word Toon in the name?

You cannot activate a card that will 'do nothing', and you are also supposed to know the contents of your own deck. This goes for all search cards, if there is nothing left in deck for the card to add to your hand, then you can't activate the card.

What are some suggestions for a Dark Magician deck?

Anything spellcaster related helps. Anything involving dark magician like dark magician girl are a must. Try using the structure deck spellcasters command

What is card sixteen in a tarot deck?

Card sixteen in a tarot deck is The Tower card.