Words that can be made with the letters 'posbi' are:
drop, bore, to, be... no word contains all of these letters.
Those letters spell the word apricot.
wilt and pod
Those letters can be used to spell "proportional".
Those letters will spell opera.
Those letters will spell parasol.
drop, bore, to, be... no word contains all of these letters.
The anagram is the word betroth which means to promise to marry.
The letters can be used to spell neophytes. It is a valid Scrabble word.
a, b. d. e, g, o, p and q.a, b. d. e, g, o, p and q.a, b. d. e, g, o, p and q.a, b. d. e, g, o, p and q.
Those letters spell the word apricot.