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Its helps build a house? P.S i lov the game :)

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Q: What can you make with gun powder in Minecraft?
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How do you make a tntin minecraft?

You take gun powder and make an X on the crafting table. Then, take sand and fill all of the remaining holes.

How do you make gun powder doodle god?

Saltpetre+sulphurSaltpeter + sulfer = Gun powder

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...You don't.

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You can make eye of the enders with an enderpearl a blaze powder.

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Weapon + Gun Powder = Firearm

How do you make a gun Doodle God?

Weapon + Gun Powder = Firearm

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Guns can't be made in Minecraft without modding.

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Gun Powder + Metal

Which is the first country to make gun powder?


How do you make a gun on Minecraft?

Without using mods, you can't.

How do you make the eye of ender in Minecraft?

Craft an Enderpearl and Blaze Powder together