In the majestic star dragon tin,crow tin,yusei tin,Leo and Luna tin, or jack atlas tin
Majestic Dragon can be found in packs of Stardust Overdrive.
Yes, Stardust Dragon can be found in packs of The Duelist Genesis.
You unlock the pack at the store and then you buy it.
There are 2 ways to get Stardust. One is to unlock the pack "The Duelist Genesis", which can be obtained by defeating the following duelists 3 times each: Barclay, Shuji, Taniyama, Ellison Noula, Skathi, Yagishita, Geruzet, Motoi, Kyono, Fudagawa, Dio, and Vega. Stardust Dragon appears as an Ultra Rare in that pack. The other way is to use the card password for Stardust Dragon (44508094) but only after you've unlocked the card, meaning you'll need either a high completion percentage of cards on the Duelist Genesis pack or to have previously obtained Stardust Dragon in the Duelist Genesis pack. Of course you could always cheat. :P
"Stardust Dragon" is in the booster pack The Duelist Genesis.To unlock this booster pack, you must defeat the duelists Barclay, Shuji, Taniyama, Ellison Noula, Skathi, Yagishita, Geruzet, Motoi, Kyono, Fudagawa, Dio, and Vega five times each. They are located in the Prison Facility.
No. Stardust Dragon is not found in Stardust Overdrive, and the Promo cards obtainable from the Special Edition pack are Charge of the Light Brigade and Tempest Magician.
you get it in the stardust overdrive pack.
Stardust Dragon can be obtained in "The Duelist Genesis" booster pack. Majestic Dragon can be obtained in "Stardust Overdrive" and "Duelist Pack 9: Yusei Fudo 2". Majestic Star Dragon can be obtained in "Stardust Overdrive" and "2009 Collectors Tins".
it is coming out in nov. 6 i think
Saviour Star Dragon/Majestic Star Dragon comes in packs of Stardust Overdrive.
you can find it in the booster "stardust overdrive."
It is called Stardust Overdrive.
It comes in packs of Stardust Overdrive.
Polymerization is found in the Stardust Overdrive booster pack in the Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game (TCG). It is not in the Stardust Accelerator: World Championship 2009 video game.
Majestic Dragon can be found in packs of Stardust Overdrive.
If you're lucky; Majestic Star Dragon can be found in any Stardust Overdrive pack, though the chances are slim. I recommend buying a booster box if you have enough money; I have never failed to get the card I was after if I bought a booster box for that set.
the best packs to pull black wings are absolute powerforce,and stardust overdrive