

What can ancient mew do?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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12y ago

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As far as i know ancient mew is only a Pokemon card and not in any of the games but it is shown in Pokemon 2000 and the information below can explain what the card means and what it can do i don't know if it will help but it might elaborate on the cards meaning

A - Mew

B - 2 Psychic Energy required to do the Psyche move that will do 40 damage

C - Weakness Psychic

D - New Species

E - Little God or Evil?

F - Retreat cost: 2 colorless Energy

G - Resistance (nothing listed)

H - HP (Hit Points)

I - 30

J - Psychic (Mew's energy type)

Surrounding the central picture of Mew are four symbols (from top, clockwise): Birth, Enthronement, Right of Succession and Death.

The Back of the card shows seven colored circles of energy surrounding the Pokeball.

The concept of the Pokemon universe, in both the Video Games and the general fictional world of Pokemon, stems from the hobby of insect collecting, a popular pastime which Pokemon executive director Satoshi Tajiri-Oniwa had enjoyed as a child. Players of the games are designated as Pokemon Trainers, and the two general goals (in most Pokemon games) for such Trainers are: to complete the Pokedex by collecting all of the available Pokemon species found in the fictional region where that game takes place; and to train a team of powerful Pokemon from those they have caught to compete against teams owned by other Trainers, and eventually become the strongest Trainer, the Pokemon Master. These themes of collecting, training, and battling are present in almost every version of the Pokemon franchise, including the video games, the anime and manga series, and the Pokemon Trading Card Game.

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