No. The Gemini was an Atari 2600 clone made by Coleco and only plays Atari games. The Colecovision plays only Colecovision games. Two different formats. I found some good games for both Atari and Colecovision at, email
The Atari 2600 came out in 1977. Originally known as the VCS or "Video Computer System," it was renamed to it's catalog number (CX-2600) in 1982.
Pong was the first game developed by Atari, Inc.
When released in October 1977, it was $200.
Atari was introduced in 1952. The first game released was Tic-Tac-Toe.
No. The Gemini was an Atari 2600 clone made by Coleco and only plays Atari games. The Colecovision plays only Colecovision games. Two different formats. I found some good games for both Atari and Colecovision at, email
colecovision/atari. they last forever.
the first one i remember was Atari with the Atari 800, didn't last much then came the Atari 2600 then 7200
An atari system is one of the first gaming system made. It was made in 1982
ColecoVision was created in 1982.
Atari VCS
The Atari 2600 came out in 1977. Originally known as the VCS or "Video Computer System," it was renamed to it's catalog number (CX-2600) in 1982.
Atari pong
Atari is a game company that named their first console the Atari.
ColecoVision is a very old video games system that was released back in August 1982. Around 145 games where released for the system between 1982 and 1984.
Pong was the first game developed by Atari, Inc.