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You can't because you need an Action Replay and then you can enter the code for it. My friend caught Cynthia's Garchomp and Spiritomb. LOL

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Q: What buttons do you press to catch the opponents Pokemon?
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What button do you press when your catching a Pokemon?

There are no buttons you can press to improve catch rate.

What buttons to press for the code to catch dialga in Pokemon pearl version?

you have to trade or use an action replay

How in Pokemon pearl what buttons do you press to be able to catch trainers Pokemon?

your'e not suposde to. you see you have too catch it via cheat. you w'ant to ccatch wild Pokemon maibe? the go down to you're bag and then press a on the pokeball of you're choice.

What does action reply do on Pokemon?

it can make all of the wild Pokemon shiny and u have every item times 900, you can catch any Pokemon without fail and you can catch your opponents. press select and it's and automatic kill and pretty much anythink

Game shark code to catch opponents Pokemon in sapphire?

By this code u can steal your opponent's Pokemon that can't find it this is of sapphire's code catch amazing Pokemon :) FB089E40B13D1214 096A963E6F9250B0 006085A581627261 Press L + R (A + S) then throw a ball

What is the action replay code catch wild Pokemon without fail for Pokemon platinum?

100% Catch Rate [randomly press buttons continuously after you throw the ball] 9224A948 00002801 1224A948 00004280 :) Enjoy

What order do you press the buttons in the warehouse on Pokemon soul silver?

get to the place where you can pressthe buttons and press green

What buttons do you have to press a Pokemon?

u sould press what evre you want

What buttons do you hold down for the action replay in Pokemon diamond?

You press the shoulder buttons

What buttons do you press to catch wailmer?

The directional buttons and the A button - you need them to select a Poke Ball and use it.

On Pokemon leaf green you are trying to catch Articuno what is the easier way to catch it?

buy over 50 ultra balls and keep chucking them get him to red dont press any buttons hope this helps

Buttons to press to steal Pokemon?

you cant steal a pokemone