Some boys names that start with E are Edward, Edgar, Evan, Elliot, Everett, Ethan...
R.slicker R.sitch
No U.S. state starts with E.
· Elephant Fish
david Donald
Ulf, Ulrich, Ulysses, Umberto, Upton and Urban are boy names. They begin with the letter U.
Drake maybe
Evan Ean Erin Eran Elton Easton Emerson Ethan Esmond Einstein
Go tp the following URL. They list over 10 pages of boys and girls names with "E".
Girls or boys? Girls: Ella Eleanor Emily/Emilie Emma Eliana Elouise/Eloise Elissa/Elyssa Elouisa/Eloisa Boys: Edward
Well, there is * Dave * Duke * Dane * Dwane * Deane * Darine
Some boys names that start with the letter I are Ian, Isaac, Ivan, and Isaiah.
Here is a list of boys names that begin with the letter "E": Ethan, Ernie, Ean, Earl, Eddie or Edward. The best thing to do is to purchase a book that specializes in names that begin with an "E".
Isiah Issac Ian
R.slicker R.sitch
Eric(k), Edwin, Edward
Boys names that begin with E are:EagenEamonEanEarlEarnest, ErnieEdenEdgarEdisonEdmund (or Edmond)Edward, EdEdwinElbertEleazarEliElianEliasElijahElliot (or Elliott)EllisElmerElroyEltonElvinElvisEmmanuelEmil, EmilioEmersonEmeryEmmettEnricoEnzoEoinErrolEric, Erick, ErichErvinErwinEshanEstebanEthan (or Ethen)EugeneEvanEverettEwanEzekielEzra*Whew!*
Zachary Zebedee Zacharias Zoe, it means 'life' in Greek.