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Bella Sara cards come with codes that be used online for horses and other items for your game. Once the codes have been used, they are no longer valid.

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Q: What bellasara cards can be reused?
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Does anyone have unused bellasara cards?

yea but their from the starlights edition and i can't figure out how to log them on.

What is BellaSara?

BellaSara is a online game in which you could get a free foal. You can feed, wash and do other things with your horse. It start your lifestyle with horses. You could get horseshoes, which are money in the BellaSara world. You can buy cards from shops and use the code to get free online things o BellaSara like a new horse or decorations for your cottage, in which you live in.

Does anyone know if there will be New Moon The Twilight Saga trading cards and if so when and where are they coming out?

if u meen bellasara cards their coming in 5 months

What is the biggest amount of bellasara cards ever collected?

i think like the whole thing including all the series and treasures

Can PlayStation cards be reused?

If you're asking if memory cards can be used with more than one console, yes they can. If you're asking about PSN cards, no.

Does bellasara stink?

I don't think BellaSara stinks. Did you try it out? If not you should before making decisions like that.

Who are the parents of Prismaa Howrse?

That's Bellasara I think. And if you are talking about the Prisma on Bellasara, it's Bifrost and Colour.

On bellasara Peter is not showing you any magic how come?

I believe that you need to unlock things on BellaSara for him to show you things! ----

What is a good virtual pony and horse?

One good virtual pony website is Bellasara you can have your own horse but if you want a magical horse you can buy cards from probably wal-mart.

How does your foal have baby foals on bellasara?

your foal cant have foals on bellasara my foal is all grown up and nothing happened

Where can you learn about the horses on bellasara?


Can you get another foal bellasara?

no you cant