u could try weakening it or using sleep powder and then use a ultra ball mabye>?
probably ultra or time or speed depending on how quick you try to catch it
On a certain Pokemon that you want to catch and it's hard to catch it with just a Poke Ball, a Great Ball, or an Ultra Ball. I don't know where else you can get Master Balls besides the Silph Co. I usually use the Masterball on legendery Pokemon.
no it won't be holding a master ball cos when you used the master ball to catch a certain Pokemon, the master ball will be gone in your inventory because it is a consumable.
you get a master ball from proffeser rowen to catch Dialga
U have to catch deoxys with a timer ball or a master ball! He is lv 80. U have to catch deoxys with a timer ball or a master ball! He is lv 80.
The best ball to catch Deoxys is a Master Ball or a Timer Ball! Trust Me!!! Pokemon Master
Using a Master Ball.
dusk ball
any ball just depends on how you weaken it and how lucky you are
ultra bal
All you have to do is use the master ball
With your hands and cover your face or the ball can hit you and give you a bloody nose
you have to use a dusk ball or a master ball i would recconmend a masterball and use flamethrower if u have it or magical leaf on a lv 100 roserade
You can use any pokeball unfortunately it has a low catch rate so it can be difficult to catch it even with a ultra ball
I can't remember where to get the quick ball but that's what i caught mine in and it worked pretty well.