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You need the Mauville badge, go to Mauville and fight the gym leader, but you must first fight Wally to get to the door open.

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Q: What badge do you need to use to rock smash in Pokemon emerald?
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What badge do you need to use Rock Smash in Pokemon FireRed?

The 7th badge.

Where to get smash in emerald?

rock smash is hm06 and is found in mauville city but you need the dynamo badge to use it outside of battle

Which badge do you need to use strength in Pokemon emerald?

The fourth one.

What badge do you need to use rock smash in Pokemon ruby?

you need the Mauville city gym badge. (the electricity gym) if im not mistaken

Where would you find a Pokemon that can smash rocks?

you need the HM rock smash and you need the required gym badge the see if any Pokemon you have can learn it if not go and find a Pokemon the can i would advise a fighting type

How do you break rocks on pokemon platnuim?

omg you need rock smash and you need the first gym badge which is in oreburgh

What badge do you need to use rock smash?

You will need the 7th badge to use the move Rock Smash.

Where to go After you get the fifth badge on Pokemon emerald?

You need to have surf, but since you beat the 5th Gym it shouldn't be a problem. You surf to the right of Mauville City, or route 118. If you don't have a water pokemon I suggest Zigzagoon, it can learn surf, rock smash, and cut.

How many floors are there in mirage tower in Pokemon emerald?

3 but you need a mach bike and you need to know rock smash to get to the top.

I got the hm 06 rock smash after win the gym badge of mauville but i can't use it to break any rock how do i make it?

Well you need a Pokemon with the move and the correct badge that enables you to use rock smash outside of battle. It could be the mauville badge, that im not for certain.

How do you get shukle in Pokemon?

Shuckle can be obtained two ways from the Pokemon emerald safari zone in the johto area you need to use rock smash on the boulders there, or get the shuckle from Pokemon colosseum.

Where is the sky pillar at on Pokemon emerald?

the sky pillar is on route 131 or 132, whichever is the one to the east of pacifidlog. you will need a Pokemon with strength and rock smash