You need the soul badge that is obtained from defeating the Fuschia city gym leader Koga in order to use surf outside of battle.
The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
the one you get from the gym in fuschia city.
In Pokemon FireRed, the badge needed to surf is the Cascade Badge. This badge is obtained by defeating Misty, the Cerulean City Gym Leader. Once you have the Cascade Badge, you can use the move Surf outside of battle to navigate bodies of water and access new areas in the game.
it's the badge from crasher wake
Hearthome's badge
You need a water Pokemon and the surf HM
Teach surf to a Pokemon and click the water and it will ask u to surf. You will need a certain gym badge,though.
You need the correct gym badge(s) for your Pokemon to use Surf out of battle.
The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it
the one you get from the gym in fuschia city.
You need 4 badges.
In Pokemon FireRed, the badge needed to surf is the Cascade Badge. This badge is obtained by defeating Misty, the Cerulean City Gym Leader. Once you have the Cascade Badge, you can use the move Surf outside of battle to navigate bodies of water and access new areas in the game.
On cinnabar island. You can get to Cinnabar by using surf from Pallet Town. To use surf, you need to get Fuschias gym badge.
it's the badge from crasher wake
Cinnabar Island, you need to surf South from Pallet Town.