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you have to defeat the gym leader in blackthorn city, but you have to take the dragon test in the dragon shrine in the dragon lair behind the blackthorn gym. after that surf to the entrance and she will say sorry and give you the badge and TM deagon rage. she has dragon Pokemon so use ice moves to defeat her.

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Q: What badge do you need for using waterfall on Pokemon Heart Gold?
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In Pokemon emerald how do you get on top of the waterfall at metorfalls?

try using a Pokemon w/ the hm waterfall, isn't that obvious...

How do you get waterfall platinum?

For Waterfall, you get it at Sunyshore city if you have a Beacon Badge. If you get Goldeen and Seaking, they learn Waterfall at Lv40. You can get Seaking at Sendoff Spring while using a Good Rod. It will be at Lv20.

How do you use surf on Pokemon heart gold it keeps telling me i have to get a new badge?

You need to beat a certain gym leader before using any hm

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Waterfall is a move that has a chance of flinching the foe, no matter what pokemon used it.

How do you get the eight badge in pokemon heartgold?

You get you 8th badge from Blackthorn City's Dragon Type Gym. Her name is Clair, and she owns a Lvl. 38 Gyarados (girl), a Lvl. 41 Kingdra ( girl), and two Lvl. 38 Dragonairs( both girls). I suggest using the super effective electric, ice, and dragon type moves. When you win, you'll get a rising badge. It lets all traded Pokemon obey you, and you can use the move waterfall to scale them when not battling.

Is there a Pokemon that already knows hm's?

Yes for HM Waterfall, Goldeen and Seaking can learn waterfall without using the HM by leveling up.

In Pokemon Platinum is gyriados good?

yeah, i suppose. teach him WATERFALL. using it on the Pokemon is impressive. you will be laughing at the gym leaders.

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fish at the poke' league waterfall using the super rod

How do you get the last badge in pokemon sapphire?

Defeat Wallace in sootopolis city, you can only come there by using dive.

What does waterfall do in Pokemon FireRed?

It lets you ride up on waterfalls. Some places are only aplicable by using waterfalls.

How do you get to use the move waterfall outside of battle?

When using Surf outside of battle, and if there is a waterfall and you are at the bottom, you can travel up the waterfall by using Waterfall.

When do you get to start using your pokewalker in Pokemon heart gold?

In the beginning when you get your second Pokemon.