cry, ray, can, ran, oar, nor, crayon
corn,or,oar,car,can,ran.ANSWERseven letter word:crayon
The letters can be used to spell the six letter word rotate. They also spell the words are, art, ate, ear, eat, oar, oat, rate, tart, tea, tort, treat and trot.
ROOEAGEQ a, are, age, agree, eager, ear, era, gear, gee, goo, or, ore, ogre, oar, rage, rag, roe
Yes, boar (piggish thing)! :P (^@^)~
Just the words oar, or, and a.
Words that end in oar are: boar hoar oar roar soar
cry, ray, can, ran, oar, nor, crayon
There is no anagram for the letters OACARO (two A, two O, R and C). The letters can spell the words orca, arc, car, coo, oar, or, and a.
Not many. The only common English words are a, avow, jar, jaw, oar, or, ova, raw, row, vow, and war.
A synonym for oar is a paddle
Of a Revolution
There aren't enough consonants to spell many common words. The longest is just 5 letters: aerie (also spelled eyrie). The other words are air, are, ear, era, ire, oar, ore, roe, or, I, and a.
Isrado is a special power spell from Lord of the Rings.Words that can be made with the letters 'DSRAIO' are:aadaidairaridasdaisdoIidisraidridroadrodsadsaidsardsirsosoarsodsoda
There are several words that you can spell using those letters. Some examples are honour (British/Canadian), honor (American), horn, hour, run, ran, our, and oar.
corn,or,oar,car,can,ran.ANSWERseven letter word:crayon
ait air tor tar oat rot rat oar art riot rot