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Q: What are words with a silent b followed by t?
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Related questions

What is the silent letter in doubt?

The 'b' in doubt is silent.

St words with a silent t?

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Is t silent in debit?


What other letters are silent?

Some common silent letters in English include the "k" in words like "knight" and "knock," the "b" in words like "doubt" and "subtle," and the "h" in words like "honor" and "honest."

What is the silent letter in the word debut?

The silent letter in the word "debut" is the letter "b." In French origin words like "debut," the letter "b" is typically silent when it appears at the end of a word. This silent "b" is a common feature in many French loanwords in English.

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Which letters are silent in wrestle?

In the word "wrestle," the silent letters are the "w" at the beginning and the "t" in the middle. The "w" is silent, and the "t" is followed by the letter "l," which makes it silent in this case. So when pronouncing "wrestle," you would say it as "res-uhl."

What is the most frequently used silent consonant?

Not sure which is the most prevalent, but here are some: the letter "g" which is silent when followed by an "n' at the beginning or end of words such as "gnash" and "gnome" and "benign" or resign". Not however when the syllables separate the letters, i.e., "dragnet". Another would be the silent "b" for words ending in "mb" like "bomb" "comb" Or the silent "c" in words / syllables beginning with "sc" as in "science" and "ascend" and "scissors". Seems like this might be the most frequent. And in American English, an "H" starting some words and secondary syllables, such as "honor" or "exhibit" or "exhaust" or "graham" Then there is the silent "k" when followed by "n" as in "knot, Knowledge, knives" Words ending in 'mn' -- silent 'n', like in "limn" "autumn" "condemn" Words with initial "wh" -- silent "H" -- "where, when, who" and with initial "wr" -- silent "w" -- as in "write" and 'wrench" Silent "t" for words ending in "stle" as in "castle" or "trestle"

What are words with the second letter a silent t?
