2-letter words
3-letter words
boy, coy, foy, hoy, joy, soy, toy
4-letter words
ahoy, boyo, boys, buoy, cloy, coys, foys, hoya, hoys, joys, oyer, oyes, oyez, ploy, soya, soys, toyo, toys, troy
5-letter words
alloy, annoy, boyar, boyla, boyos, buoys, cloys, coyed, coyer, coyly, coypu, decoy, doyen, doyly, enjoy, envoy, foyer, hoyas, hoyle, joyed, loyal, oyers, ploys, poyou, royal, savoy, sepoy, shoyu, sloyd, soyas, soyuz, stroy, tepoy, toyed, toyer, toyon, toyos, troys, uncoy
6-letter words
alloys, annoys, aroynt, arroyo, batboy, boyard, boyars, boyish, boylas, buoyed, busboy, carboy, cloyed, convoy, cowboy, coydog, coyest, coying, coyish, coyote, coypou, coypus, decoys, deploy, doyens, doyley, employ, enjoys, envoys, flyboy, foyers, groyne, hoyden, hoyles, joyful, joying, joyous, joypop, lowboy, noyade, oyster, ployed, potboy, poyous, royals, savoys, sepoys, shamoy, shoyus, sloyds, stroys, teapoy, tepoys, tomboy, toyers, toying, toyish, toyons, voyage, voyeur, zoysia
7-letter words
alloyed, amboyna, annoyed, annoyer, aroynts, arroyos, batboys, bellboy, benzoyl, boyards, boychik, boycott, boyhood, buoyage, buoyant, buoying, busboys, callboy, caloyer, carboys, charpoy, cloying, convoys, copyboy, cowboys, coydogs, coyness, coyotes, coypous, decoyed, decoyer, deploys, destroy, doyenne, doyleys, doylies, employe, employs, enjoyed, enjoyer, flyboys, footboy, groynes, hautboy, highboy, hoydens, joyance, joyless, joypops, joyride, joyrode, killjoy, linkboy, lowboys, loyaler, loyally, loyalty, newsboy, noyades, overcoy, overjoy, oyesses, oysters, pageboy, playboy, plowboy, ploying, postboy, potboys, reenjoy, royally, royalty, royster, saveloy, shamoys, shopboy, soybean, soymilk, soyuzes, stroyed, stroyer, tallboy, teapoys, tomboys, toyless, toylike, toyshop, tutoyed, tutoyer, viceroy, voyaged, voyager, voyages, voyeurs, zoysias
8-letter words
alloying, amboynas, annoyers, annoying, aroynted, beachboy, bellboys, benzoyls, blackboy, boyarism, boychick, boychiks, boycotts, boyhoods, boyishly, bullyboy, buoyages, buoyance, buoyancy, callboys, caloyers, carboyed, charpoys, choirboy, coemploy, convoyed, copyboys, corduroy, decoyers, decoying, deployed, destroys, disloyal, doughboy, doyennes, employed, employee, employer, employes, enjoyers, enjoying, footboys, gargoyle, hautboys, highboys, houseboy, hoydened, joyances, joyfully, joyously, joyrider, joyrides, joystick, killjoys, linkboys, loyalest, loyalism, loyalist, maccaboy, maccoboy, newsboys, nonroyal, overjoys, oystered, oysterer, paduasoy, pageboys, paperboy, playboys, plowboys, postboys, redeploy, reemploy, reenjoys, royalism, royalist, roysters, saveloys, shamoyed, shopboys, sonobuoy, soybeans, soymilks, stroyers, stroying, surroyal, tallboys, toyshops, tutoyers, uncloyed, unjoyful, viceroys, voyagers, voyageur, voyaging
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decoy, enjoy
Alloy, annoy, coyly, decoy, enjoy, envoy, foyer, loyal, ploys, royal, savoy and toyed are 5 letter words. They contain the letters OY.
enjoy;boy;toy;convoy;joy;coy;roy;soy; royal; yoyo
Hi. If you're including "oy" in the word; "enjoy" is a five letter word that ends with "oy" enjoy
Some words ending with OY are:ahoyalloyannoybatboybeachboybellboyboybuoybusboycloyconvoycorduroycowboycoydecoydeploydestroyemployenjoyenvoyhighboyhomeboyhouseboyjoykilljoylowboynewsboyoverjoypageboypaperboyplayboyploysavoyschoolboysoytallboytomboytoytroyviceroy
Some words with the oi sound include boil, coin, and spoil. Words with the oy sound include boy, joy, and toy.
"Oy" is not a common suffix in English. However, it can be found in some words borrowed from Yiddish, such as "meshugge" or "oy vey." In this context, it can be considered a suffix.
decoy, enjoy
Alloy, annoy, coyly, decoy, enjoy, envoy, foyer, loyal, ploys, royal, savoy and toyed are 5 letter words. They contain the letters OY.
Words with the letters oy include: boy joy toy ahoy employ annoy enjoy soy coy Roy destroy ploy royal oyster convoy alloy (sp?)
oy vey zmir
Some words that have the same vowel sound as "oil" include boil, foil, toil, and soil.
With V = 0 words. With Y = ya, ye, yo, ay, by, my, oy
enjoy;boy;toy;convoy;joy;coy;roy;soy; royal; yoyo
OY is a Yiddish word - it is usually part of the phrase "oy vey" which means "oh woe" or "alas" but occasionally you see it alone. It is a term of despair which is used as an exclamation in time of trouble and strife.