My mom is nice, caring, loving, comforting, trusting, honest, clever, wise, terrific, awesome.
Words that describe a person:jazzyjealousjitteryjollyjovialjoyfuljubilantjumpyjustjuvenile
Some words to describe clothing are:SmartCasualTrendyOld FashionedAgedWornTattyUniformFlimsyLacyWoolyWarmAlluringSilkyDesignerOff-the-Peg/Rail/RackBrightDullColorfulworn out
Words that could describe yourself beginning with the letter m:maddeningmagnificentmaliciousmarvelousmaterialisticmaturemeanmeekmercifulmercilessmessymeticulousmisguidedmodestmoodymopeymoronicmousymusicalmysterious
Adjectives describe nouns, the word 'mom' is a noun. Examples:my other moma beautiful moma working momthe smartest momthe best mom
Quiet-timer, in one of her best moments.
The phrase "stay-at-home mom" is hyphenated and should not have spaces between the words. This is because it functions as a compound adjective to describe the type of mom. So the correct punctuation is "stay-at-home mom."
An onomatopoeia is using sound words to describe something ex. "the car went beep beep! when my mom drove up"
It's Carrie's Care Bears.Ha! She's a cutie.
Other words that describe excellence include mastery, distinction, superiority, and perfection.
well, three words to describe him are