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Bovine, ovine, lupine, feline, canine, vulpine...

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Q: What are words that end with ine?
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Words that end in ine?

bovine famine

Words that end in 'ine'?

Some words that end in 'ine' are: wine, online, fine, routine, and medicine.

Words that start with re and end in ine?


Do halogen names typically end in -ine?

Yes, they all end in "ine": Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine.

I'm looking for 4 letter words that end with ine?

1. Sine 2. Mine 3. Pine 4. Fine

Why do some drugs end with the suffix -ine?

Drugs ending with "ine" are alkaloids. They are bitter tasting and in all cases poisonous, probably a protection for the plants that produce them. All of them contain nitrogen, and in small doses are used as drugs. Although opium does not end in "ine", it contains a cocktail of 26 alkaloids that do end in "ine", the most significant being morphine and codeine.

Words ending in ine?

Line, pine, mine...

Words starting with s and ending with ine?

saltine sanguine

Why is ine the answer to serpent tail in crosswords?

Possibly it is the end of the word 'serpentine'. could it be a fin?

What are the potential side effects of medications that end in -ine?

Medications that end in -ine may have potential side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, and headache. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider about any concerns or side effects experienced while taking these medications.

How many NFL footballs laid end-to-end would it take to cross a football field goal ine to goal line?


What are three words in the 'ine' word family?

Brine is one example.Another two examples are decline and define.