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career, ambeer, ameer,auctioneer,balladeer,cheer,deer,domineer,fictioneer,jeer,leer

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Q: What are words ending in eer?
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Words ending in the letters eer?


Words that have eer in them?

Words that have the letters -eer in them are deer, beer, and cheer. Other words that have the letters -eer in them are auctioneer and career.

What is a seven letter word ending with eer?


What is an eight letter word ending in eer?

Here are some possible words: domineer engineer foreseer killdeer muleteer mutineer overseer reindeer

What are some words that end with -eer?

Some words that end with -eer include engineer, volunteer, and pioneer.

Words with eer sound?

weird, dear, theory, mere, beer

What are Jobs ending with -eer?

Jobs ending with -eer typically refer to professions that involve a specific skill or expertise, often related to engineering or technical fields. Examples include engineer, volunteer, pioneer, and auctioneer. These roles often require specialized training or education to perform the duties effectively.

What words end with suffix 'eer'?

Engineer, profiteer, and volunteer are the only words I've come up with. Hope this helps.

What words end with the suffix -eer?

Words that end with the suffix -eer include engineer, volunteer, pioneer, and cheerleader.

What Words ending with -ain?

words ending with -ain:braindrainrefraingrainchaplainexplaincontainfountainmaintainmountaincomplaindisdainretaindetainbargainsustainmainpainrainslaingainstraintrainchainattainplainremainobtainpertain

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What is the rule for words ending in er or or?

is there a rule for words ending in or ( as in professor) or words ending in er (as in commander)? Thank you!