There are way too many vegetables in the world which go from A to Z to list. The best way to find a complete listing would be go to through an agricultural encyclopedia to find a complete listing of known vegetables from around the world.
jay z and zookii
Z isn't a very popular letter. So there isn't alot of names starting with 'Z'. A few names that start with Z for boys are: Zane. Zack/ Zachary. Zavier. Hope that's helps. :) Zabi Zaabi Zina Zoe Zoey Zaid
Zucchini and Ziti pasta are foods. They begin with the letter z.
So far, the Pokémon names starting with the letter Z are:ZangooseZapdosZebstrikaZekromZigzagoonZoroarkZoruaZweilousZubat
cabbage , potato tomato and other digusting ones
cabbage , potato tomato and other digusting ones
I don't know any English vegetables that begin with z, but in Spanish, carrot is zanahoria.
Zucchini, these are treated as vegetables but botanically they are fruits
jay z and zookii
The Z stands for Zen.